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How to Open a Sesamee Lock Without Combination

  • Tips & Things

    No FBI please dont kill me.

  • Busy B

    Brilliant. Worked first time. Thank you 🙏

  • Imrie_Anet

    Well I'm going to try this at my school locker tomorrow (I forgot my combination and I knew it was 2 numbers then the same two numbers and I was going to do every combination possible like that but this is way easier) I'll either reply or edit this comment as an update after school wish me luck

    • Imrie_Anet

      Imrie_Anet4 gün önce

      Oh I forgot about this comment lol but it worked 👍

  • ally irfan

  • Soggy

    When i turn the wheel, i don't hear a click, and i am applying pressure. Any help?

    • Imrie_Anet

      Imrie_Anet8 gün önce

      I'm not sure, maybe it doesnt work anymore? I mean this video was made around 4 years ago. Try applying more or less preasure and listen closely. They also said it would kind of resist it a bit

  • Semi Conscious

    bruh my lock makes clicks every time I turn em

  • Luismiporto Milamborguini

  • 01DOGG01

    It's amazing how many videos and views went up as a result of my original video. I'm just glad that I was so early and was able to profit decently off of it.

  • Diganta Mitra

  • dramaticx

    This is hurting my fingers

  • Tim Handley

    Thanks for this. Excellent video - brief and to the point. I've reset my son's lock using the video. It took me a few goes but I got there. I also understand how he accidentally reset the code now. The only problem that remains is that I don't have much confidence in combination locks any more.........

    • Imrie_Anet

      Imrie_Anet8 gün önce

      You can use the locks where it turns and its not that hard to learn to open it but it'll seem difficult at first.
      I think they usually have three numbers but idk if thats for all locks though. Lets say its a three number one and the combination is 16-10-36. You would turn it to the left of the 0 (counterclockwise) and stop at 16 then keep going counter clockwise to 16 again and then again after that so 3 times then you would go the other way (clockwise) you dont have to go back to zero before you do it and stop at 10 then clockwise one more time back to 10 so two times then go counter clockwise again to 36 then it'll open. Hoping I didnt just explain this all for nothing, good luck.

  • CrumbleKoala

    Thank you my locker was locked and I accidentally changed my code and I couldn't get to my books

  • Tochi Ugwu

    Wowww..thank you soo much. I had watched so many videos and this just worked!
    Saved me from buying another padlock.

  • Kaibalya Panda

  • Lerato Sekgampu

  • Marvin Chen

    I can do this when I was 10, this can be felt by finger

  • Cherry Blossom CBT

    Old gym padlock, forgotten the code. Did this while watching the video, not even looking at the lock just twisting an feeling. 30 seconds into the video the lock opens. 3019 in case I forget again :-)

  • Yoru

    Yoru2 aylar önce

    *sad 5 digit noises*

  • Shabanaaz 619

    It's not working, I tried so many times.👎

  • Donovaan

    Can this be done on locks that make the same tick on every number? I did everything as shown and even held my ear closely next to it. I have no chance with my specific lock.

  • Gren tree m

  • Nightfall 08

    thank uuuu. i brought a $100 dollor lock for (non ur bis) and i could't unlock it. until now.

  • Yanti Mohhan

    No wonder all the Fucker can open my lock and mess with my stuff.

  • RBLXGamer

    Thanks! Dumbass me thought it would be a good idea to scramble my school locker's lock combo over the summer and now I don't want my shit stolen.

  • Pedro Pires

  • SuprSalamander

    When you rotate the figures do you need to keep pressing the lock?

  • I'm Russian?

  • Kenneth Parcon

  • Gene Smolko

    I'll never buy one of those

  • Ahmmed Halwachi

    What if it's already open and you don't know the combination?

  • Whyater

  • ADHIP05

  • Riz

    Riz3 aylar önce

    Worked for me trying to open a combination lock I forgot number to. Thanks

  • Sir Fa

    Bro not working! i have even cheaper 5$ ABUS 3 digit lock and 6 years im trying to open it and its not opening at all.
    When i pull up the shackle the first the first disc moves heavy on all numbers and second less heavy but still heavy and last disc is loosely spinning and i get no click on any of the discs at all… I want to open and use it not to break it. So what to do?

  • MysticDragonYee

    Any one else watching this because their dad challenged them to open a lock?

  • kevil0922

  • Subhasini Panda

  • Troubled Titan

  • Aidan Chiu


  • annf williams

  • Markus

  • Dark

    Dark4 aylar önce +1

    I'm going to use this for school breakouts

  • Captain Sinclair

    I've got an aluminum cast 3-digit Master brand Combination lock, and it has a SHIT TON of False Gates... Thank you for helping me figure out how to open this!

  • James Godwin

    I tried it on my cousins lock for his door and it worked😂😂

  • Samuel Wong

    I followed your principle and succeeded! Thanks very much for your video and sharing!

  • Michael Mercury

    I do not know how I did but this video was a great help. I locked my 4 wheel combo lock without noting the 4 digits like an idiot with no sense. I came across the video and twiddled about with the combinations pretending like I can feel the lock reacting to the turns. Something happened and now I got it open. Many thanks.


    Watching this to find out how some sl@g broke into my lock without damaging it…time for a different lock 👍🏼

  • As 2

    As 25 aylar önce

  • Dassa

    How to open a lock without key

  • Lydia P.

    Found it in 0:56 thanks sm

  • Mohammed Ashraf

  • 99block

    Nice guide, but doesn't work on my lock...

  • Braixenanddelfox !

    do you have metal fingers man? or am i too rough with it?

  • Евген Бро

    Расскажу я. Итак, тянем замок на открытие и подбираем первую, вторую, третью или последнюю цифру. Все цифры становятся четко, кроме одной, она сьезжает в сторону. Это она и есть. Далее крутим другую. Может прокручиваться как первая так и другая, нужно все повертеть. Когда выставили первую подобранную, начнет проскакивать другая.

  • epickail100

    I forgot the combination to my lock lol

  • Matthew Hayward

  • Henrik Alriksson

  • Felix Thorstensson

    I had forgotten the code to my storage, opened the lock in seconds! Thx!

  • Hind Abu Hassan

  • SpooK

    SpooK6 aylar önce +1

    I can't move them if I apply pressure

  • G.

    G.6 aylar önce

    Darn, it did not work for me. I tried 5-times. I only heard the "click" once during the five tries (wrong number - I know the combination and check when process completed), and the body never moved down.

  • Keifer

    I followed the video, and still can't do it. I give up

  • Badgers

    feel the clicks? i feel the clicks on 4 different numbers

  • Perfect2020Storm

    Very informative. Thanks for sharing, Lord-Jesus-Christ com

  • FoxArrowOwl

    Here's a trick to listening to the clicks. Don't have annoying music playing in the background

  • Andres Felipe Moreno Cuellar

  • AlFikri Lelyetian

    yes thanks! I finally can open my forgotten combination lock after trying for a week 🤣

  • El Shubi Gaming

    Saved me some bucks thanks 👍

  • Jess Vonscheele

    This works for vaultz lock bags. Just a let know fornanyone trying. Locked myself out of my bag' finally just got it. Thanks!!

  • Distorted Vision

    I couldn't get this to work on a 4 combination padlock. No matter how many times I tried. Going to have cut the shackle with a pair of bolt cutters.

How to Open a Sesamee Lock Without Combination
